Wednesday, April 20, 2011

spring cleaning

i found my freshman quote wall today. enjoy these little gems from the glory days....

"he's giving her mouth to mouth."
-Jen Kerr
"that is the HOTTEST form of lifesaving ever!"
-Colin Holmes

"well, at least i know i can still have babies."
-Jen Kerr

"So, last night I got home and my roommates had their shirts off and they were having a push-up contest"
-Brad Prince
"What building do you live in?"
-Katie Haskin

"didn't no i used be proper"
-random girl

"we're in america now, we speak spanish"
-Ahlin Griffith

"good thing i like gilmore girls more than food!"
-Katie Haskin

"look boys!"
-Ahlin Griffith
"Help! I mean, wait!"
-Jen Kerr

"I can hear your heartbeat."
-Ahlin Griffith
"Really? You can hear it?"
-Brian Shaw
-Ahlin Griffith

"why was everyone afraid of 3? because 3 eight 4...wait...."
-Jen Kerr

"did you know star wars is a LIE?"
-Katie Haskin

"Qwick! Qwispy Qweem!"
-Ahlin Griffith

"every apartment showers naked."
-Brian Shaw
"I don't"
-Jess Borup
"Nope! She doesn't"
-Ahlin Griffith

"why do i always go for short, half...people?"
-Jen Kerr

"I'm gonna eat it!"
-Brian Shaw
"No! I had to makeout with a boy to get that!"
-Jess Borup

"I need to start running more."
-Jen Kerr
"Shut up itunes, i hate you!"
-Jess Borup
-Jen Kerr
"Shut up Jen, I hate you!"
-Katie Haskin
"Whatever, you guys all love me!"
-Jen Kerr
"You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?"
-Katie Haskin
"You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong..."
-Jen Kerr


  1. "yeah ... always." hahahaha classic ag line.

    i also love that train of thought in the last quote. you guys are so witty. #whyweareroommates

  2. I was literally laughing out loud at this. What a nice blast from the past #bestfreshmanyearever
    We're freaking hilarious.

  3. Also. The boys/help quote #firstjenanahlinbondingexperience
