Sunday, April 3, 2011


why is patience such a hard thing to obtain? why is it that we want things now rather than later? why can't we just enjoy what we have at the present? why is that when we desperately want something to change that it doesn't? why is it that when we desperately want things to stay the same, they change? 

it's so that we grow. and learn. and progress. however, knowing that fact doesn't make it any easier. in fact, sometimes it makes it harder. i know that patience will always pay off. i trust my Heavenly Father enough to know that He will bless me with my righteous desires as long as i faithfully and PATIENTLY endure to the end.

so, when i am impatient, ungrateful, and looking forward to a time different from now, i feel guilty and faithless. i have so much and i am so blessed, yet i find myself wishing certain things were different, and worrying that they will never change.

deep down, i truly know that the things i struggle with now are just a small moment, and that they are for my good, so why can't i get that from my head into my actions and feelings? i guess that is something i need to learn. luckily, Heavenly Father provides that opportunity. and for that, i am grateful. i just hope that i will use these lessons to better myself and serve my God. 

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