Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Time is Free, but it's Priceless"

Time is a weird concept. 
I live my life according to the hour of the day.
I only have  a certain amount of time to accomplish, to enjoy, to grow, to learn, etc. 
Time scares me. 
Time keeps me sane. 
Time is a blessing and a curse. 
Sometimes I wonder why time goes so fast.
Sometimes I wonder why time isn't going fast enough. 

I have decided that I need more time in Provo. So, it is with pleasure that I announce...
drum-roll please....
I will be doing a Masters of Library Science online through the University of Maryland. 
yeah, the mascot is a diamondback
terrapin (turtle) named Testudo.
I will start in the fall and I will be living and working in Provo for at least one more year. 
365 more days.
 8,760 more hours
525,600 more minutes
31, 536,000 more seconds.

I am grateful for that time.


  1. yay! congrats! i'm glad i get to spend more time with youuu!!!

  2. UMD!! and i'm SO happy you're staying one more year!!! (i was secretly hoping you would, because i'm selfish.)
